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Why Muscle Tension Is Number When It Comes To Building Muscle
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Is Muscle Tension all it’s cracked up to be? hell yes, it is!!

Simply put, if you want to build an outstanding physique then muscle tension when working out is the way to go.

Picture this for a minute: think about your typical gym. I bet you will see guys hurling weights up and down that are far too heavy for them. They are not actually working the muscle optimally; what they are doing is using momentum, and not their muscle, to move the weights. We have all been guilty of this when starting out, it’s called ego lifting, but the sooner we get out of the habit the better our bodies will respond to the load on the muscle and grow.


You see, to build muscle you need to work as many muscle fibers as possible and the greater the tension on the muscle, the more fibers are recruited. Also, if the tension is not correctly placed on your muscles, then it will simply go elsewhere, typically your ligaments and joints where excess forces such as extra swing and momentum can result in injury.

Next time at the gym try and create as much tension on the muscles as possible. Not doing this will really limit  your muscle gains because you are not engaging the muscle with maximum effectiveness.

So, next time you pick up those dumbbells and you’re swinging the weight to get the rep, try lowering the weight instead. You will actually be working the bicep and this will mean muscle growth.

Thanks for reading!

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